
This commit is contained in:
rickdeee 2021-04-06 09:05:25 -07:00
parent b68b6813b3
commit 63a55cee11
1 changed files with 182 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
package sampleCode;
// Imports from the Selling Partner API (SP-API) Auth & Auth client library.
// Imports from the generated Tokens API client library.
import io.swagger.client.ApiException;
import io.swagger.client.api.TokensApi;
import io.swagger.client.model.CreateRestrictedDataTokenRequest;
import io.swagger.client.model.CreateRestrictedDataTokenResponse;
import io.swagger.client.model.RestrictedResource;
// Imports from the generated Tokens API client library dependencies.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient;
import com.squareup.okhttp.Request;
import com.squareup.okhttp.RequestBody;
import com.squareup.okhttp.Response;
public class RestrictedDataTokenWorkflow {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ApiException {
// This method represents a workflow for a simple use case. More use cases can be defined using a similar pattern.
// The SP-API endpoint.
private static final String sellingPartnerAPIEndpoint = "";
// Declare a string variable for the Restricted Data Token (RDT).
private static String restrictedDataToken;
// Configure the LWAAuthorizationCredentials object.
private static final LWAAuthorizationCredentials lwaAuthorizationCredentials = LWAAuthorizationCredentials.builder()
// Configure the AWSAuthenticationCredentials object.
private static final AWSAuthenticationCredentials awsAuthenticationCredentials = AWSAuthenticationCredentials.builder()
// If application registered with Role ARN, use here the aws credentials of a user that is linked to the Role ARN via security token service.
// Otherwise, if the application was registered using User ARN, use the access key and secret key of the User ARN, but you have to make sure that it has the policy attached.
// Configure the AWSAuthenticationCredentialsProvider object. This is only needed for applications registered using an IAM Role.
// If the application was registered using an IAM User, the AWSAuthenticationCredentialsProvider object should be removed.
private static final AWSAuthenticationCredentialsProvider awsAuthenticationCredentialsProvider = AWSAuthenticationCredentialsProvider.builder()
// The IAM Role must have the IAM policy attached as described in "Step 3. Create an IAM policy" in the SP-API Developer Guide.
// The SP-API Tokens API instance used to call the createRestrictedDataToken operation.
private static final TokensApi tokensApi = new TokensApi.Builder()
.awsAuthenticationCredentialsProvider(awsAuthenticationCredentialsProvider) // If the application uses User ARN, this line is not needed. Remove it or pass a null value.
// This method wraps the workflow to request an RDT and make a call to a restricted operation.
private static void callRestrictedOperationWorkflow() throws IOException, ApiException {
// Define the path for the restricted operation that requires an RDT.
final String resourcePath = "/orders/v0/orders/123-1234567-1234567/address";
// Build the RestrictedResource object with the respective Method (MethodEnum from RestrictedResource class) and Path.
RestrictedResource resource = buildRestrictedResource(RestrictedResource.MethodEnum.GET, resourcePath);
// Make a list of the RestrictedResource objects that will be included in the request to create the RDT.
List<RestrictedResource> resourceList = Arrays.asList(resource);
// Get an RDT for the list of restricted resources.
restrictedDataToken = getRestrictedDataToken(resourceList);
// Build, sign, and execute the request, specifying RestrictedResource, RDT, and RequestBody.
// Pass a RequestBody only if required by the restricted operation. The requestBody is not required in this example.
Response restrictedRequestResponse = buildAndExecuteRestrictedRequest(resource, restrictedDataToken, null);
// You can handle the response as a JSON object, as shown in this example.
JsonObject responseBodyJson = new JsonParser().parse(restrictedRequestResponse.body().string()).getAsJsonObject();
// Below is a example of how the workflow would look when requesting an RDT for multiple restricted resources.
// You can specify a maximum of 50 restricted resources.
// Define a path for each restricted operation that requires an RDT.
final String resourcePath1 = "/orders/v0/orders/123-1234567-1234567/address";
final String resourcePath2 = "/orders/v0/orders/123-7654321-1234567/address";
final String resourcePath3 = "/orders/v0/orders/123-1234567-7654321/address";
// Build each RestrictedResource object with the respective Method (MethodEnum from RestrictedResource class) and Path.
RestrictedResource resource1 = buildRestrictedResource(RestrictedResource.MethodEnum.GET, resourcePath1);
RestrictedResource resource2 = buildRestrictedResource(RestrictedResource.MethodEnum.GET, resourcePath2);
RestrictedResource resource3 = buildRestrictedResource(RestrictedResource.MethodEnum.GET, resourcePath3);
// Make a list of the RestrictedResource objects that will be included in the request to create the RDT.
List<RestrictedResource> resourceList = Arrays.asList(resource1,resource2,resource3);
// Get an RDT for the list of restricted resources.
restrictedDataToken = getRestrictedDataToken(resourceList);
// If you request an RDT for multiple restricted resources; build, sign and execute each restricted operation separately.
// Pass the same RDT when building each restricted operation request. An RDT expires after 60 minutes.
// Build, sign, and execute each request, specifying RestrictedResource, RDT, and RequestBody.
// Pass a RequestBody only if required by the restricted operation. The requestBody is not required in this example.
Response restrictedRequestResponse1 = buildAndExecuteRestrictedRequest(resource1, restrictedDataToken, null);
Response restrictedRequestResponse2 = buildAndExecuteRestrictedRequest(resource2, restrictedDataToken, null);
Response restrictedRequestResponse3 = buildAndExecuteRestrictedRequest(resource3, restrictedDataToken, null);
// An example of a helper method to build, sign, and execute a restricted operation, specifying RestrictedResource, (String) RDT, and RequestBody.
// Returns the restricted operation Response object.
private static Response buildAndExecuteRestrictedRequest(RestrictedResource resource, String restrictedDataToken, RequestBody requestBody) throws IOException {
// Construct a request with the specified RestrictedResource, RDT, and RequestBody.
Request signedRequest = new Request.Builder()
.url(sellingPartnerAPIEndpoint + resource.getPath()) // Define the URL for the request, based on the endpoint and restricted resource path.
.method(resource.getMethod().getValue(), requestBody) // Define the restricted resource method value, and requestBody, if required by the restricted operation.
.addHeader("x-amz-access-token", restrictedDataToken) // Sign the request with the RDT by adding it to the "x-amz-access-token" header.
.build(); // Build the request.
// Initiate an AWSSigV4Signer instance using your AWS credentials. This example is for an application registered using an AIM Role.
AWSSigV4Signer awsSigV4Signer = new AWSSigV4Signer(awsAuthenticationCredentials, awsAuthenticationCredentialsProvider);
// Or, if the application was registered using an IAM User, use the following example:
AWSSigV4Signer awsSigV4Signer = new AWSSigV4Signer(awsAuthenticationCredentials);
// Sign the request with the AWSSigV4Signer.
signedRequest = awsSigV4Signer.sign(signedRequest);
// Execute the signed request.
OkHttpClient okHttpClient = new OkHttpClient();
Response response = okHttpClient.newCall(signedRequest).execute();
// Check the restricted operation response status code and headers.
return response;
// An example of a helper method for building RestrictedResource objects, specifying the method (MethodEnum from RestrictedResource class) and the path.
private static RestrictedResource buildRestrictedResource(RestrictedResource.MethodEnum method, String path){
RestrictedResource resource = new RestrictedResource();
return resource;
// An example of a helper method for creating an RDT for a list of RestrictedResource objects.
private static String getRestrictedDataToken(List<RestrictedResource> resourceList) throws ApiException {
// Initialize a CreateRestrictedDataTokenRequest object that represents the Restricted Data Token request body.
CreateRestrictedDataTokenRequest restrictedDataTokenRequest = new CreateRestrictedDataTokenRequest();
// Add a resource list to the CreateRestrictedDataTokenRequest object.
try {
CreateRestrictedDataTokenResponse response = tokensApi.createRestrictedDataToken(restrictedDataTokenRequest);
restrictedDataToken = response.getRestrictedDataToken();
return restrictedDataToken;
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.out.println(e.getResponseHeaders()); // Capture the response headers when a exception is thrown.
throw e;