Add Vendor Analytics dataset for Data Kiosk

This commit is contained in:
Jack Evoniuk 2024-06-19 12:26:39 -07:00
parent 12eeac8ae2
commit ebf79082d7
1 changed files with 332 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
schema {
query: Query
This directive specifies the retention duration of a query containing a
particular field. When a query contains multiple fields with different
retentions, the shortest (minimum) retention is applied to the query. The
retention of a query's resulting documents always matches the retention of the query.
directive @resultRetention(
"An ISO 8601 duration."
duration: String!
"Monetary amount with the corresponding currency code."
type Amount {
"The amount."
amount: Float!
"Currency code of the amount in ISO 4217 format."
currencyCode: String!
"Root type for Vendor Analytics queries version 2024_09_30."
type Analytics_vendorAnalytics_2024_09_30 {
"The manufacturing view provides metrics about products manufactured by the Vendor."
"Determines how the data should be aggregated, e.g. daily, weekly, monthly."
aggregateBy: DateGranularity!,
"Currency code for all monetary amounts in ISO 4217 format. If not provided, amounts will be returned in USD."
currencyCode: String,
"The end date of the vendor analytics data to retrieve."
endDate: Date!,
"The start date of the vendor analytics data to retrieve. The start date must be no more than two years ago."
startDate: Date!
): [ManufacturingView]
The sourcing view provides metrics about products that are sourced directly
from the Vendor to Amazon (i.e., when the Vendor is a distributor).
"Determines how the data should be aggregated, e.g. daily, weekly, monthly."
aggregateBy: DateGranularity!,
"Currency code for all monetary amounts in ISO 4217 format. If not provided, amounts will be returned in USD."
currencyCode: String,
"The end date of the vendor analytics data to retrieve."
endDate: Date!,
"The start date of the vendor analytics data to retrieve. The start date must be no more than two years ago."
startDate: Date!
): [SourcingView]
"Customer satisfaction metric group. Null value for a given metric means that this metric is not available yet."
type CustomerSatisfaction {
"The number of items returned as recorded on the Customer Returns transaction table."
customerReturns: Long @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Amazon's estimate that customer demand will be at or below this value."
type ForecastedDemandStatistic {
"Amazons best estimate of weekly customer demand (in units). This estimate does not account for safety stock."
mean: Long @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Amazon estimates that there is a 70% probability that customer demand will be at or below this number of units."
p70: Long @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Amazon estimates that there is a 80% probability that customer demand will be at or below this number of units."
p80: Long @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Amazon estimates that there is a 90% probability that customer demand will be at or below this number of units."
p90: Long @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Forecasted customer demand by week. Null value for a given metric means that this metric is not available yet."
type ForecastedDemandWeekly {
"Amazon's estimate that customer demand will be at or below this value."
demand: ForecastedDemandStatistic
"End date of the forecasting range."
endDate: Date! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Start date of the forecasting range."
startDate: Date! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Week number of the forecasting range."
weekNumber: Int! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Group by attributes, essentially catalog attributes, some of which can be null, e.g., group by brand."
type GroupByAttributes {
"Amazon Standard Identification Number, used to uniquely identify products in Amazon's catalog."
asin: String @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Brand name."
brand: String @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Amazon brand code for the owning brand."
brandCode: String @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"European Article Number. A 13-digit product identifier, often represented on products as a barcode."
ean: String @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"13-digit International Standard Book Number."
isbn13: String @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Code used to identify the manufacturer, an entity who makes the products that are sold on Amazon."
manufacturerCode: String @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The model or style number of the product."
modelNumber: String @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
Products with variations (size, color, etc.) have a Parent ASIN and Child
ASINs. The Parent ASIN represents the generic overall product
parentAsin: String @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Which type of prep instructions are required, e.g., ASIN stickering, Boxing, Bubble wrapping, Shrinkwrap, Cap Sealing."
prepInstructions: String @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Differentiates if the prep instructions required will be performed by Amazon or the vendor."
prepInstructionsPerformedBy: String @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The product group which describes the business group, as defined by the Amazon
catalog, e.g., PC, Wireless, Major Appliances.
productGroup: String @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Product name."
productTitle: String @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The day that an item is available for purchase by the public."
releaseDate: String @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Availability status for the ASIN."
replenishmentCategory: String @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The Universal Product Code (UPC) used for retail packaging scanning at the point of sale."
upc: String @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The manufacturing view provides metrics about products manufactured by the Vendor for the given time period,
including both totals (aggregate across all of the vendor catalog) and metrics grouped by, e.g., ASIN.
type ManufacturingView {
"End date of the time period."
endDate: Date! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The marketplace identifier for the associated metrics."
marketplaceId: String! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Metrics for the given time period, grouped by, e.g., ASIN."
metrics: [ManufacturingViewMetricsGroupedBy]!
"Start date of the time period."
startDate: Date! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Totals (aggregate across all of the vendor catalog) for the given time period."
totals: ManufacturingViewMetrics!
"Metrics broken down by metric groups, e.g., Product availability, Orders, Costs, Customer satisfaction."
type ManufacturingViewMetrics {
"Customer satisfaction metric group."
customerSatisfaction: CustomerSatisfaction
"Forecasting metric group."
forecasting: [ForecastedDemandWeekly]
"Orders metric group."
orders: Orders
"Product availability metric group."
productAvailability: ProductAvailability
"Shipped orders metric group."
shippedOrders: ShippedOrders
"Sourcing metric group."
sourcing: Sourcing
"Traffic metric group."
traffic: Traffic
"Manufacturing view metrics grouped by the selected \"group by\" attributes, e.g., brand, ASIN."
type ManufacturingViewMetricsGroupedBy {
"Group by attributes, e.g., brand, ASIN."
groupByKey: GroupByAttributes!
"Metrics for the given time period, grouped by the attributes selected in the groupByKey."
metrics: ManufacturingViewMetrics!
"Orders metric group. Null value for a given metric means that this metric is not available yet."
type Orders {
The number of ordered units and the associated revenue in a given time period
with adjustments made for prior sales, like returns/cancellations. This metric
is also applicable for Kindle and Physical books. Ordered Revenue Amount (OPS)
= Product Price * Ordered Units.
orderedUnitsWithRevenue: UnitsWithValue
"Number of units ordered (or pre-ordered), but have not shipped."
unfilledOrderedUnits: Long @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Product availability metric group. Null value for a given metric means that this metric is not available yet."
type ProductAvailability {
The number of units and their cost that is at least 90 days old and in
sellable condition on the last day of the selected time frame.
aged90DaysSellableInventory: UnitsWithValue
Calculated as the number of units shipped in comparison to the number of units
at Amazon at the start of the period, plus any units received during the same
time period. Sell Through Rate = (Shipped Units - Customer Returns) /
(Sellable On Hand Units + Net Received Units).
sellThroughRate: Float @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The number of units and their cost in Amazon FCs that is in sellable condition on the last day of the selected time frame."
sellableOnHandInventory: UnitsWithValue
Ultra Fast Track (UFT), is an hourly measure of the percentage of time an ASIN
is available to be shipped to the customer from an FC via Prime shipping,
versus the selection Amazon intended to carry. This metric takes into account
a Customer Importance Factor (CIF), which weighs the ASINs importance to
shoppers against Amazons cost of having that item in stock.
ultraFastTrack: Float @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
Excess number of units and their cost on the last day of the selected time
frame based on forecasted demand. (Note:Not Available for Daily/Custom Time selections)
unhealthyInventory: UnitsWithValue
The number of units and their cost in Amazon FCs that is in unsellable
condition on the last day of the selected time frame.
unsellableOnHandInventory: UnitsWithValue
"A root type for queries"
type Query {
"API is versioned."
analytics_vendorAnalytics_2024_09_30: Analytics_vendorAnalytics_2024_09_30
"Shipped orders metric group. Null value for a given metric means that this metric is not available yet."
type ShippedOrders {
The number of items shipped and the associated gross price the customer paid
for them. Shipped Revenue Amount = Gross Price (the price the customer sees in
the cart) * Shipped Units.
shippedUnitsWithRevenue: UnitsWithValue
"Sourcing metric group. Null value for a given metric means that this metric is not available yet."
type Sourcing {
Net number of units and their cost received by Amazon after subtracting the
units returned to the supplier in the selected time frame.
netReceived: UnitsWithValue
"Number of units included in the Vendor's open POs (i.e., confirmed PO quantities that are not yet received)."
openPurchaseOrderQuantity: Long @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Time (in days) from when Vendor receives a PO from Amazon, to when inventory is received in a FC."
overallVendorLeadTime: Float @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
OOS (Out of Stock) rate on all products that are procurable. Retail Out of
Stock (ROOS) = Out of Stock Glance Views on Procurable ASINs / Total Glance
Views. Procurability refers to whether Amazon is able to fulfill a customer
delivery promise, considering the ability of known vendors to supply the ASIN
in the foreseeable future.
procurableProductOOS: Float @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
PO units received by Amazon in comparison to PO units confirmed by the vendor.
The fill rate here applies only to Procurable ASINs. Fill Rate = Net Received
Units / Confirmed Units.
receivedFillRate: Float @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
How many units Vendors confirm out of the units Amazon asks for, accounting
for Procurable ASINs only. Vendor Confirmation Rate = Confirmed Units /
Submitted Units.
vendorConfirmationRate: Float @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The sourcing view provides metrics about products that are sourced directly from
the Vendor to Amazon (i.e., when the Vendor is a distributor)
for the given time period, including both totals (aggregate across all of the
vendor catalog) and metrics grouped by, e.g., ASIN.
type SourcingView {
"End date of the time period."
endDate: Date! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The marketplace identifier for the associated metrics."
marketplaceId: String! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Metrics for the given time period, grouped by, e.g., ASIN."
metrics: [SourcingViewMetricsGroupedBy]!
"Start date of the time period."
startDate: Date! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Totals (aggregate across all of the vendor catalog) for the given time period."
totals: SourcingViewMetrics!
"Metrics broken down by metric groups, e.g., Product availability, Costs, Customer satisfaction."
type SourcingViewMetrics {
"Customer satisfaction metric group."
customerSatisfaction: CustomerSatisfaction
"Product availability metric group."
productAvailability: ProductAvailability
"Shipped orders metric group."
shippedOrders: ShippedOrders
"Sourcing metric group."
sourcing: Sourcing
"Sourcing view metrics grouped by the selected \"group by\" attributes, e.g., brand, ASIN."
type SourcingViewMetricsGroupedBy {
"Group by attributes, e.g., brand, ASIN."
groupByKey: GroupByAttributes!
"Metrics for the given time period, grouped by the attributes selected in the groupByKey."
metrics: SourcingViewMetrics!
"Traffic metric group. Null value for a given metric means that this metric is not available yet."
type Traffic {
"Glance views where Retail is the featured offer (i.e., winning the buy box)."
glanceViews: Long @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Number of units with their corresponding monetary value."
type UnitsWithValue {
"Number of units."
units: Long @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Monetary value of the units."
value: Amount @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Date granularity used in aggregation."
enum DateGranularity {
"Metrics are aggregated by day."
"Metrics are aggregated by month."
"Metrics are aggregated by week."
scalar Date
scalar Long