if __name__ == "__main__": print("Starting the Script...") from auth.credentials import SPAPIConfig # User inputs their credentials in the config config = SPAPIConfig( client_id="Your Client-id", client_secret="Your Client-secret", refresh_token="Your Refresh-token", region="SANDBOX", # Possible values NA, EU, FE, and SANDBOX scope = None # Required for grant_type='client_credentials' ; Possible values "sellingpartnerapi::notifications" and "sellingpartnerapi::migration" ) from spapi.spapiclient import SPAPIClient # Create the API Client print("Config and client initialized...") api_client = SPAPIClient(config) marketplace_ids = ["ATVPDKIKX0DER"] created_after = "2024-01-19T12:34:56.789012" orders_api = api_client.get_api_client('OrdersV0Api') orders_response = orders_api.get_orders(marketplace_ids=marketplace_ids, created_after=created_after) print("Orders API Response:") print(orders_response)