name: "Close stale issues" # Controls when the action will run. on: schedule: # Controls when the action will run: Minute (0-59) | Hour (0-23) | Day of the month (1-31) | Month (1-12 or JAN-DEC) | Day of the week (0-6 or SUN-SAT) - cron: "30 18 * * *" jobs: cleanup: name: Stale issue job runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: aws-actions/stale-issue-cleanup@v4 with: #Issue types to process ("issues", "pull_requests", or "issues,pull_requests") issue-types: 'issues' # Setting messages to an empty string will cause the automation to skip # that category # Implementing ancient issue closure only at the moment. stale-issue-message: 'This is a very old issue that is probably not getting as much attention as it deserves. We encourage you to check if this is still an issue after the latest release and if you find that this is still a problem, please feel free to open a new issue and make a reference to this one.' #ancient-issue-message: 'It looks like this issue has not been active for more than thirty days. #In the absence of more information, we will be closing this issue soon. #If you find that this is still a problem, please add a comment to prevent automatic closure, or #if the issue is already closed please feel free to reopen it.' # These labels are required stale-issue-label: 'closing soon' exempt-issue-labels: 'no auto-closure' response-requested-label: 'answer required' # Don't set closed-for-staleness label to skip closing very old issues # regardless of label closed-for-staleness-label: 'closed for inactivity' # Issue timing. Setting ancient issues to 6 months and stale to 1 month with no activity. # Issue will automatically close after 5 days of being marked as stale. days-before-stale: 180 days-before-close: 5 days-before-ancient: 180 # If you don't want to mark an issue as being ancient based on a # threshold of "upvotes", you can set this here. An "upvote" is # the total number of +1, heart, hooray, and rocket reactions # on an issue. # Current threshold based off the minimum expected for a possible bug. minimum-upvotes-to-exempt: 10 repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} loglevel: DEBUG # Set dry-run to true to not perform label or close actions. #dry-run: true