
581 lines
27 KiB

schema {
query: Query
This directive specifies the retention duration of a query containing a
particular field. When a query contains multiple fields with different
retentions, the shortest (minimum) retention is applied to the query. The
retention of a query's resulting documents always matches the retention of the query.
directive @resultRetention(
"An ISO 8601 duration."
duration: String!
"Monetary amount with the corresponding currency code."
type Amount {
"The amount."
amount: Float!
"Currency code of the amount in ISO 4217 format."
currencyCode: String!
"A root type for Analytics Sales and Traffic queries version 2023_11_15."
type Analytics_SalesAndTraffic_2023_11_15 {
"A query to retrieve sales and traffic data for the seller's account aggregated by ASIN."
"Determines how the sales and traffic data should be aggregated."
aggregateBy: AsinGranularity!,
The end date of the sales and traffic data to retrieve. If a date
granularity is specified and the provided end date occurs mid-week or
mid-month, the preceding Saturday for WEEK date granularity or the last day
of the previous month for MONTH date granularity will be used instead.
endDate: Date!,
The marketplace identifiers to retrieve sales and traffic data for. If
omitted, sales and traffic data for all applicable marketplaces will be retrieved.
marketplaceIds: [String],
The start date of the sales and traffic data to retrieve. The start date
must be no more than two years ago. If a date granularity is specified and
the provided start date occurs mid-week or mid-month, the following Sunday
for WEEK date granularity or the first day of the next month for MONTH date
granularity will be used instead.
startDate: Date!
): [SalesAndTrafficByAsin] @deprecated(reason : "No longer supported. Use salesAndTrafficByAsin from the analytics_salesAndTraffic_2024_04_24 schema instead.")
"A query to retrieve sales and traffic data for the seller's account aggregated by date."
"Determines how the sales and traffic data should be aggregated."
aggregateBy: DateGranularity!,
The end date of the sales and traffic data to retrieve. If the provided end
date occurs mid-week or mid-month, the preceding Saturday for WEEK date
granularity or the last day of the previous month for MONTH date granularity
will be used instead.
endDate: Date!,
The marketplace identifiers to retrieve sales and traffic data for. If
omitted, sales and traffic data for all applicable marketplaces will be retrieved.
marketplaceIds: [String],
The start date of the sales and traffic data to retrieve. The start date
must be no more than two years ago. If the provided start date occurs
mid-week or mid-month, the following Sunday for WEEK date granularity or the
first day of the next month for MONTH date granularity will be used instead.
startDate: Date!
): [SalesAndTrafficByDate] @deprecated(reason : "No longer supported. Use salesAndTrafficByDate from the analytics_salesAndTraffic_2024_04_24 schema instead.")
"The sales data for the seller's account aggregated by ASIN."
type ByAsinSales {
The amount of ordered product sales, calculated by multiplying the price of
products and the number of units sold for the selected time period.
orderedProductSales: Amount! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The amount of ordered product sales to Amazon Business customers, calculated
by multiplying the price of products and the number of units sold for the
selected time period. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller.
orderedProductSalesB2B: Amount @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The number of items that were ordered for the selected time period."
totalOrderItems: Long! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The number of items that were ordered by Amazon Business customers for the
selected time period. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller.
totalOrderItemsB2B: Long @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The number of units ordered."
unitsOrdered: Long! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The number of units ordered by Amazon Business customers. Note: This field is
only populated when the seller is a B2B seller.
unitsOrderedB2B: Long @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The traffic data for the seller's account aggregated by ASIN."
type ByAsinTraffic {
"Browser page views are the number of times a user visited your browser pages for the selected time period."
browserPageViews: Long! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
Browser B2B page views are the number of times an Amazon Business customer
visited your browser pages for the selected time period. Note: This
field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller.
browserPageViewsB2B: Long @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The percentage of browser page views that a particular SKU/ASIN receives
relative to the total number of browser page views for all products.
browserPageViewsPercentage: Float! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The percentage of browser views by Amazon Business customers that a particular
SKU/ASIN receives relative to the total number of mobile page views by Amazon
Business customers for all products. Note: This field is only populated when
the seller is a B2B seller.
browserPageViewsPercentageB2B: Float @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The percentage of browser sessions that contain at least one page view for a
particular SKU/ASIN relative to the total number of browser sessions for all products.
browserSessionPercentage: Float! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The percentage of browser sessions that contain at least one page view by an
Amazon Business customer for a particular SKU/ASIN relative to the total
number of browser sessions by Amazon Business customers for all products.
Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller.
browserSessionPercentageB2B: Float @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
Browser sessions are visits to your browser pages by a user. All
browser activity within a 24-hour period is considered a browser session. For
example, if a user visits your pages using a browser multiple times within a
24 hour period it is counted as a single browser session.
browserSessions: Long! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
Browser B2B sessions are visits to your browser pages by an Amazon
Business customer. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a
browser session. For example, if an Amazon Business customer visits your pages
using browser multiple times within a 24 hour period it is counted as a single
session. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller.
browserSessionsB2B: Long @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The percentage of page views where the buy box (the add to shopping cart link)
appeared on the page for customers to add your product to their cart.
buyBoxPercentage: Float! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The percentage of page views by Amazon Business customers where the buy box
(the add to shopping cart link) appeared on the page for customers to add your
product to their cart. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller.
buyBoxPercentageB2B: Float @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
Mobile app page views are the number of times a user visited your
mobile app pages for the selected time period.
mobileAppPageViews: Long! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
Mobile app B2B page views are the number of times an Amazon Business customer
visited your mobile app pages for the selected time period. Note:
This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller.
mobileAppPageViewsB2B: Long @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The percentage of mobile app page views that a particular SKU/ASIN receives
relative to the total number of mobile app page views for all products.
mobileAppPageViewsPercentage: Float! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The percentage of mobile page views by Amazon Business customers that a
particular SKU/ASIN receives relative to the total number of mobile page views
by Amazon Business customers for all products. Note: This field is only
populated when the seller is a B2B seller.
mobileAppPageViewsPercentageB2B: Float @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The percentage of mobile app sessions that contain at least one page view for
a particular SKU/ASIN relative to the total number of mobile app sessions for all products.
mobileAppSessionPercentage: Float! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The percentage of mobile app sessions that contain at least one page view by
an Amazon Business customer for a particular SKU/ASIN relative to the total
number of mobile app sessions by Amazon Business customers for all products.
Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller.
mobileAppSessionPercentageB2B: Float @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
Mobile app sessions are visits to your mobile app pages by a user.
All mobile app activity within a 24-hour period is considered a mobile app
session. For example, if a user visits your pages using a mobile app multiple
times within a 24 hour period it is counted as a single mobile app session.
mobileAppSessions: Long! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
Mobile app B2B sessions are visits to your mobile app pages by an
Amazon Business customer. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a
mobile app session. For example, if an Amazon Business customer visits your
pages using mobile app multiple times within a 24 hour period it is counted as
a single session. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller.
mobileAppSessionsB2B: Long @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
Page views are the number of times a user visited your browser or
mobile app pages for the selected time period. It is calculated as the sum of
browserPageViews and mobileAppPageViews.
pageViews: Long! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
B2B page views are the number of times an Amazon Business customer visited
your pages using browser or mobile app for the selected time
period. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller.
pageViewsB2B: Long @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The percentage of browser and mobile app page views that a particular SKU/ASIN
receives relative to the total number of browser and mobile app page views for all products.
pageViewsPercentage: Float! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The percentage of page views by Amazon Business customers that a particular
SKU/ASIN receives relative to the total number of page views by Amazon
Business customers for all products. Note: This field is only populated when
the seller is a B2B seller.
pageViewsPercentageB2B: Float @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The percentage of sessions that contain at least one page view for a
particular SKU/ASIN relative to the total number of sessions for all products.
sessionPercentage: Float! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The percentage of sessions that contain at least one page view by an Amazon
Business customer for a particular SKU/ASIN relative to the total number of
sessions by Amazon Business customers for all products. Note: This field is
only populated when the seller is a B2B seller.
sessionPercentageB2B: Float @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
Sessions are visits to your browser or mobile app pages by a user.
All browser and mobile app activity within a 24-hour period is considered a
session. It is calculated as the sum of browserSessions and mobileAppSessions.
sessions: Long! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
B2B sessions are visits to your pages using browser or mobile app
by an Amazon Business customer. All activity within a 24-hour period is
considered a session. For example, if an Amazon Business customer visits your
pages multiple times using mobile app or browser within a 24 hour period it is
counted as a single session. Note: This field is only populated when the
seller is a B2B seller.
sessionsB2B: Long @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The percentage conversion metric indicating how many units were purchased
relative to the number of people who viewed the products, calculated by
dividing unitsOrdered by sessions.
unitSessionPercentage: Float! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The percentage conversion metric indicating how many units were purchased by
Amazon Business customers relative to the number of Amazon Business customers
who viewed the products, calculated by dividing unitsOrderedB2B by sessions.
Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller.
unitSessionPercentageB2B: Float @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The sales data for the seller's account aggregated by date."
type ByDateSales {
The average ordered product sales, calculated by dividing orderedProductSales
by totalOrderItems for the selected time period.
averageSalesPerOrderItem: Amount! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The average ordered product sales to Amazon Business customers, calculated by
dividing orderedProductSalesB2B by totalOrderItemsB2B for the selected time
period. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller.
averageSalesPerOrderItemB2B: Amount @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The average price of the units sold in the selected time period, calculated by
dividing the orderedProductSales by unitsOrdered for the selected time period.
averageSellingPrice: Amount! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The average price of the units sold to Amazon Business customers, calculated
by dividing the orderedProductSalesB2B by unitsOrderedB2B for the selected
time period. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller.
averageSellingPriceB2B: Amount @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The average number of units in each order item for the selected time period."
averageUnitsPerOrderItem: Float! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The average number of units in each order item ordered by Amazon Business
customers for the selected time period. Note: This field is only populated
when the seller is a B2B seller.
averageUnitsPerOrderItemB2B: Float @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Monetary amount of filed A-to-z guarantee claims."
claimsAmount: Amount! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The number of A-to-z guarantee claims granted."
claimsGranted: Long! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The amount of ordered product sales, calculated by multiplying the price of
products and the number of units sold for the selected time period.
orderedProductSales: Amount! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The amount of ordered product sales to Amazon Business customers, calculated
by multiplying the price of products and the number of units sold for the
selected time period.
orderedProductSalesB2B: Amount @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The number of orders shipped in the selected time period."
ordersShipped: Long! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The percentage conversion metric indicating how many orders were refunded by
the seller, calculated by dividing unitsOrdered by unitsRefunded in the
selected time period.
refundRate: Float! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The amount of ordered product sales shipped for the selected time period."
shippedProductSales: Amount! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The number of items that were ordered for the selected time period. Example:
For an order containing 2 copies of book A and 3 copies of book B, the number
of orders is 1, the number of order items is 2 (book A and book B), and the
number of units is 5 (2 + 3).
totalOrderItems: Long! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The number of items that were ordered by Amazon Business customers for the
selected time period. Example: For an order containing 2 copies of book A and
3 copies of book B, the number of orders is 1, the number of order items is 2
(book A and book B), and the number of units is 5 (2 + 3).
totalOrderItemsB2B: Long @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The number of units ordered for the selected time period. Example: For an
order containing 2 copies of book A and 3 copies of book B, the number of
orders is 1, the number of order items is 2 (book A and book B), and the
number of units is 5 (2 + 3).
unitsOrdered: Long! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The number of units ordered by Amazon Business customers for the selected time
period. Example: For an order containing 2 copies of book A and 3 copies of
book B, the number of orders is 1, the number of order items is 2 (book A and
book B), and the number of units is 5 (2 + 3).
unitsOrderedB2B: Long @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The number of units refunded in the selected time period."
unitsRefunded: Long! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The number of units shipped in the selected time period."
unitsShipped: Long! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The traffic data for the seller's account aggregated by date."
type ByDateTraffic {
The average number of offers listed for sale in the selected time period. It
is calculated from the total number of offers and the total number of days in
the selected time period.
averageOfferCount: Long! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The average number of parent items listed for sale in the selected time period."
averageParentItems: Long! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"Browser page views are the number of times a user visited your browser pages for the selected time period."
browserPageViews: Long! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
Browser B2B page views are the number of times an Amazon Business customer
visited your browser pages for the selected time period. Note: This
field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller.
browserPageViewsB2B: Long @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
Browser sessions are visits to your browser pages by a user. All
browser activity within a 24-hour period is considered a browser session. For
example, if a user visits your pages using a browser multiple times within a
24 hour period it is counted as a single browser session.
browserSessions: Long! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
Browser B2B sessions are visits to your browser pages by an Amazon
Business customer. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a
browser session. For example, if an Amazon Business customer visits your pages
using browser multiple times within a 24 hour period it is counted as a single
session. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller.
browserSessionsB2B: Long @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The percentage of page views where the buy box (the add to shopping cart link)
appeared on the page for customers to add your product to their cart.
buyBoxPercentage: Float! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The percentage of page views by Amazon Business customers where the buy box
(the add to shopping cart link) appeared on the page for customers to add your
product to their cart. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller.
buyBoxPercentageB2B: Float @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The number of times customers left feedback in the selected time period."
feedbackReceived: Long! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
Mobile app page views are the number of times a user visited your
mobile app pages for the selected time period.
mobileAppPageViews: Long! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
Mobile app B2B page views are the number of times an Amazon Business customer
visited your mobile app pages for the selected time period. Note:
This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller.
mobileAppPageViewsB2B: Long @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
Mobile app sessions are visits to your mobile app pages by a user.
All mobile app activity within a 24-hour period is considered a mobile app
session. For example, if a user visits your pages using a mobile app multiple
times within a 24 hour period it is counted as a single mobile app session.
mobileAppSessions: Long! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
Mobile app B2B sessions are visits to your mobile app pages by an
Amazon Business customer. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a
mobile app session. For example, if an Amazon Business customer visits your
pages using mobile app multiple times within a 24 hour period it is counted as
a single session. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller.
mobileAppSessionsB2B: Long @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The number of times customers left negative feedback in the selected time period."
negativeFeedbackReceived: Long! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The percentage conversion metric indicating how many order items were
generated relative to the number of people who viewed the products.
orderItemSessionPercentage: Float! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The percentage conversion metric indicating how many order items were
generated by Amazon Business customers relative to the number of Amazon
Business customers who viewed the products. Note: This field is only populated
when the seller is a B2B seller.
orderItemSessionPercentageB2B: Float @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
Page views are the number of times a user visited your browser or
mobile app pages for the selected time period. It is calculated as the sum of
browserPageViews and mobileAppPageViews.
pageViews: Long! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
B2B page views are the number of times an Amazon Business customer visited
your pages using browser or mobile app for the selected time
period. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller.
pageViewsB2B: Long @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The negative feedback rate is the number of orders that have received negative
feedback divided by the number of orders in the selected time period.
receivedNegativeFeedbackRate: Float! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
Sessions are visits to your browser or mobile app pages by a user.
All browser and mobile app activity within a 24-hour period is considered a
session. It is calculated as the sum of browserSessions and mobileAppSessions.
sessions: Long! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
B2B sessions are visits to your pages using browser or mobile app
by an Amazon Business customer. All activity within a 24-hour period is
considered a session. For example, if an Amazon Business customer visits your
pages multiple times using mobile app or browser within a 24 hour period it is
counted as a single session. Note: This field is only populated when the
seller is a B2B seller.
sessionsB2B: Long @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The percentage conversion metric indicating how many units were purchased
relative to the number of people who viewed the products.
unitSessionPercentage: Float! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The percentage conversion metric indicating how many units were purchased by
Amazon Business customers relative to number of Amazon Business customers who
viewed the products. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller.
unitSessionPercentageB2B: Float @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"A root type for queries"
type Query {
"Analytics Sales and Traffic queries version 2023_11_15."
analytics_salesAndTraffic_2023_11_15: Analytics_SalesAndTraffic_2023_11_15 @deprecated(reason : "No longer supported. Use analytics_salesAndTraffic_2024_04_24 instead.")
"The sales and traffic data for the seller's account aggregated by ASIN."
type SalesAndTrafficByAsin {
The Amazon Standard Identification Number of the child product. Child products
are unique, sellable products that are related in our catalog to a single,
non-sellable parent product. Note: This field is only present when ASIN
aggregation is CHILD or SKU.
childAsin: String @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The end date of the period of the aggregated data."
endDate: Date! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The marketplace identifier of the sales and traffic data."
marketplaceId: String! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
The Amazon Standard Identification Number of the parent product. A parent
product appears in our catalog as a non-buyable, generic identifier for a
product that has buyable variations (child products).
parentAsin: String! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The sales data for the parentAsin/childAsin/sku within the specified date range."
sales: ByAsinSales!
The Stock Keeping Unit of the product. The SKU is a seller specific product
identifier. Note: This field is only present when ASIN aggregation is SKU.
sku: String @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The start date of the period of the aggregated data."
startDate: Date! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The traffic data for the parentAsin/childAsin/sku within the specified date range."
traffic: ByAsinTraffic!
"The sales and traffic data for the seller's account aggregated by date."
type SalesAndTrafficByDate {
"The end date of the sales and traffic data."
endDate: Date! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The marketplace identifier of the sales and traffic data."
marketplaceId: String! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The sales data for the seller's account."
sales: ByDateSales!
"The start date of the sales and traffic data."
startDate: Date! @resultRetention(duration : "P30D")
"The traffic data for the seller's account."
traffic: ByDateTraffic!
"The ASIN granularity used in aggregation."
enum AsinGranularity {
"Sales and traffic data is aggregated by child ASIN."
"Sales and traffic data is aggregated by parent ASIN."
"Sales and traffic data is aggregated by sku."
"The date granularity used in aggregation."
enum DateGranularity {
"Sales and traffic data is aggregated by day."
"Sales and traffic data is aggregated by month."
"Sales and traffic data is aggregated by week."
"An RFC-3339 compliant Full Date Scalar. Example: \"2023-11-15\""
scalar Date
"A Scalar for the primitive long type."
scalar Long